The Garry Farm sells vegetables just about year round - at several markets - This picture is from the Bazaar sponsored by Cotton Mill Farmers market in Carrollton, GA

Our motto is: Farming Naturally for your health and happiness 

And as we say often to the customers,   "You get the best and we eat the rest".  There might be produce we eat that is water cracked from too much rain, we don't mind,  it will be naturally wonderful and tasteful and Farmer Jacque and Nancy enjoy soups and salsas year round!

We farm naturally without chemicals or pesticides.  The safe way for you and for us too!  We are a faith based farm where we believe in John 3:16 and we love to share with you our gentle way of raising animals and vegetables.  You are welcome to visit and enjoy the presence of our volunteers and helpers who work and learn on our farm.  Interested in helping us and getting hands on training and fresh farm food as well? Let us know, we'd be glad to talk with you more about this.

HOURS:  As Farmer Nancy says, The farm work we do doesn't fall under the minimum wage and hour laws - it's the hardest work for the least amount of money but what a clean and wonderful life style and food and we never have to pay for a gym membership!  Many days Farmer Jacque is working straight 16 to 18 hours even in the goats are born, seedlings are started, baby chicks hatching and bee boxes building!!!!

In addition to vegetables, Hatching eggs we sell are:


  • Black Copper Marans
  • Blue, Black and Splash Copper Marans
  • Wheaten Marans
  • Heritage Delawares
  • Lavender Ameraucanas,
  • Lavender Orpingtons,
  • Silkies - buff, blue, black, splash, white and some partridge
  • Welsummers
  • Saxony ducks

Lavendar, white and Pied all running together

The American Llivestock Breeds Conservancy lists this Breed as one of its endangered breeds and we are committed to working with only this breed over the coming years to try to generate interest in keeping this endangered stock available in America.

Interested in some of our poultry?  Email us at or leave a message 770-733-9687 if you are interested in getting hatching eggs, babies or more mature poultry of our poultry groups.


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