The Garry Farm gets the job done!
About Us
Our motto: Farming Naturally for your Health and Happiness.
The Garry Farm began as a weekend getaway and the dream of a full time farm after early retirement. Jacque's experience as a chef and farmer on hundreds of acres as a young person and then a caterer for years in Texas brought much to the farm. As a student in Marietta GA, he was growing tomato
plants in his dorm and successfully eating fresh grown tomatoes! Nancy's happy memories as a child in North Alabama running barefoot and fancy free at Granny's overwhelmed her sense of real work at a farm. Farmer Nancy's love of baking/cooking and many memories of helping Granny and enjoying good country cooking added the component of offering baked items of all sorts from the farm, all of which feature our farm products. Jacque's experiences on his farm and his love of both animals and plants has given him tremendous energy and wisdom. Both Farmer Jacque and Nancy love working on the farm and often wonder why they were not doing this earlier.
In addition to being a Christian homestead and full-time farm, we offer complete year round vegetables, milk, eggs, local honey, eggs for eating AND hatching baby poultry, baked items,poultry and more to the local community. Over half of all our sales are made at the farm. We so enjoy sharing our knowledge about farming and do so happily with our many guests and customers. Farm tours are offered upon scheduling and we are always glad for our farm helpers. Want to learn about farming, we'll be glad to teach you as you help us too!
We participate in several away from the farm sales venues ...The Cotton Mill Farmers Market is our primary one (and it's held in Carrollton, GA). CMFM is open only during peak farm months, so we participate in "off season" we sell from Carrollton GA in front of local businesses on Saturday mornings. Also sell at Mayfest, directly to restaurants and more
Interest in locally grown, chemical free vegetables and products is at an all time high. We encourage you to think carefully about your groceries. Become an educated consumer...The old expression "You are what you eat" is really true. Why shortchange your health & shop at groceries where food comes from far away and is chemicalized, when there are local farms that with no chemicals for your health + the closer the food to you, the more nutrients it has. Would you want to swallow chemical sprayed with toxins to keep a potato from sprouting. Those chemicals are absorbed into the potatoes you eat. Yuck!

The Sherrill Homeplace before sale in May 2005 when it became The Garry Farm!

Jacque tending the four little babies (kids) born during Kidding Season 2011....My how they grew in only 1 week...He bottle feeds each of the wee ones as much as 4 times daily!